Saturday, July 2, 2016

WA Has Moved!

Follow this link to see the work and ramblings of Michael "Zeix" Wright!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Getting There!

So my to-do list for Black & Red Games has been dwindled down to reformatting, expanding and editing!

No more blank sections mocking me!

The only thing that still needs original content is the map info for the example game, Elora's Quest. That includes enemies that could be encountered, special events and their triggers, and any buildings that may be involved.

The formatting is going slow because I've been doing everything on Google Docs and their table tool is a little frustrating on my aging tablet. I think it may be time to move everything onto my desktop pc and use Word or something.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Really Focused

     So this morning I woke up at 4:00 am, thanks to a certain little puppy, and got to work sketching and working out the Tier 3 Focus list. Focuses in Black & Red Games work the same way that "Classes" or "Jobs" do in other RPGs, but I felt having a character "focus" on being the person they want to be had a better feeling.
     I had worked so long on the Tier 1 and 2 Focuses because most of the games I have Narrated never went past Tier 2. Now, I can proudly say the whole Focus list is completed! There are 60 unique choices with their own skills and bonuses to customize your character with! You can work your way from a novice Soldier to a skilled White Knight and everywhere in between taking skills and bonuses from focuses like the Fire Mage or a Chemist.
     Next up for me is editing. That and working on the gameplay explanation sections which are tricky because I don't want to assume that anyone has prior RPG knowledge but I don't want to make it all so micro-managed that it's boring to read (and write).

Thursday, June 26, 2014

B&R End In Sight!

So I do believe that Black & Red Games is nearing completion of the first edition of the core rule book! It has taken me a Very long time and I've put my heart and mind into every page of it.

The problem is that every time I think of something new it makes me start 3 new pages! I've almost completed the breakdown of all the many many character focuses. One thing that stumped me for a long time was how to standardize all the equipment. I was finding myself making stuff up every time I played Narrator which would leave a lot of inconsistencies among the players. I've devised a good system now, but that led me to working out a item crafting system which is still in the works.

I'm always battling with myself over how complicated I want to make the game system. The main goal of Black & Red Games is to play a RPG that is not so involved as the classic table top games such as D&D, but as a simpler game that plays out like a mixture of a table top and a console RPG.

I look forward to sharing more about Black & Red Games and Elora's Quest, which comes included to act as an example game for people to pick up and start playing.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Workin' For A Livin'!

Today, I filled out a fictitious business name statement! Now to get the $35.50 I need to file it... I figured it was time to start putting my ideas into action! Actually, it was a co-worker that set me off onto thinking I should really do this. It's amazing what a little encouragement can produce in a person. I've had Wrightside Adventures in the back of my mind for about 8 years, ever since I started making table-top games for no one but myself to play. Hopefully, one day, people will get to play my games, but more importantly make their own games! That's really one of the main goals of this company. I want to inspire people to use their imagination on a grand scale and maybe discover a talent they didn't know they had.

While Wrightside Adventures currently consists mostly of my ideas written on stacks of physical and digital paper, I have lots of things in the works, with some in a playable prototype phase!
Here's some of the projects I have cooking in my game laboratory:

Black & Red Games
An easy to create-and-play system of designing your own table-top adventures with your friends.

Player-1 Games

Delve into your imagination and go on a personally unique solo adventure that will unfold before you.

Impromptu RPG
The table-top RPG experience broken down to its simplest form. Play anywhere you have a paper and pencil!

EPIC - Adventure Cards
Strategy and cleverness will be tested in this RPG that plays like a card game and feels like a table-top game.

Avventura Musica
This video game designed around actual music theory, teaches how music works while carrying you off on an adventure full of music that you write!

Champions of the Crystal Goddess
Revive a far-off planet and save the creatures in it from twisted corruption. This video game has it all!

Go, Go, Goblin!
A whimsical platformer with magic, mystery, and mayhem!

I love making games, even more than I love playing games. If I can make this my full-time job, I will! Until then however, you can find me shoveling popcorn at the local movie theater. I'll keep you posted on the progress of some of these projects. The video games, I will say, might take a long while. I seem to have lofty goals that require lots of manpower to accomplish.

If you're interested in working with me on something--maybe you have an idea of your own--let me know.